Running out of time? Check out our Ultimate Last Minute Gift Giving Guide

You meant to get it done earlier, but you were so busy that you forgot to get your Christmas shopping done, right? Never fear, we are here with some ideas on what to get for the people you care about for Christmas. Check out our guide for more information.

Gifts for Men

  • Favorite Movie/TV show box set: Always a popular choice, this is pretty easy to guess if the man in your life spends a lot of time watching the TV. If he’s a big fan of a particular series or movie (easy to note as he will insist on watching the same movie over and over), indulge him with a DVD box set. Popular choices include: The Godfather, Lord of the Rings, Dark Knight Trilogy, you get the picture.
  • Wallets and Belts: It’s a cliché, but these are good gifts if your man has a tendency to wear these out. Invest in a quality material and watch your significant other glow with delight as he opens his Christmas present.
  • Shaving/grooming Kits: A men’s grooming kit has fast become an important asset for the modern man. A kit can be bought either online or in some high-end stores. If you can’t find a full set-make a little effort and make your own. All you need is a good razor blade, shaving cream, a brush and some aftershave. Pack it into a toiletries bag and there you have it!
  • Novelty items: Depending on the person, some guys love unconventional items. For example, a self- stirring mug (since we drink a lot of tea), but tread with caution, as others may not always see the funny side of this and would rather prefer a more functional present.
gift couple, gift giving for men, gift giving for women
Image Credit: Huffingtonpost

Gifts for Women

  • A journal/book: If she’s the expressive type, you can’t beat a journal as she will look for a way to express all her thoughts. Giving her a journal allows her to write down her feelings, dreams and fears without being judged. Plus, she will be glad since it came from you! If not, a good book from her favorite author is a good way to go
  • Spa treatment: In this modern age, people want to slow down and relax a little. Surprise that special someone with a spa treatment. It’s a great way to relax and unwind after a busy season. If your budget doesn’t extend to a spa, look at the gift shop and take the treatment home: a gift pack comprising moisturizer, facial scrubs, massage oils, body lotions, shower gel and balms are always a great present
  • Novelty items: Similar to men, women also love novelty items. The difference here is, it should be something which you share. This may be in the form of an inside joke or romantic attachment, just ensure that the gift has a meaning to your recipient.
  • Perfume: Arguably the toughest item on this list. What kind of perfume do you buy? You’d need to ask her friends or family, or you could snoop around and see what kind of perfume she wears, get it right and both of you will appreciate the fragrances even more.
  • Gift vouchers: Sometimes tricky, but effective if you don’t know her clothing size. Get a gift voucher to a store of her choice: clothes, shoes or jewellery will work here.  This is a popular options as its easy to carry and allows her the freedom to buy exactly what she want
gift kid, christmas present ideas for children, christmas present ideas for kids,
Image credit: ourkids

Gifts for Children

  • Confectionery: Simple, but effective. Children love sweets, so if you’re stuck about gift ideas, take some chocolates or sweets, as it’s always a hit among the little ones
  • Toys and video games: Toys are good upto a point, as more and more young children are playing with video games on laptops and ipads. Try to find a game which is family friendly, as it will keep you and your child interested.
  • Gift vouchers: Something for older children, a gift voucher at say a bookshop, toy/video game store teaches them the value of money and gives them the freedom to buy the latest video game for their console.

Got any better ideas? Tell us what you would get in the comments!

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Disclaimer: The views shared in this blog are based on the macro economic conditions & industry status quo as per the time of publishing.